Offers plans in FL, IL, OK, SC, TX
Additional benefits can include dental, vision, hearing, lifestyle and transportation

Select the Best Medicare Plan
- Understanding Medicare’s Purpose Medicare is a federal health insurance program primarily for individuals aged 65 and older, as well as some younger people with disabilities.
- Breaking Down the Parts Medicare consists of several parts, each covering different aspects of healthcare services.
- Choosing Your Coverage Understand how Medicare works and which plan best suits your needs. Learn more about enrollment periods to enroll in time.
- Partnering for Support As a licensed insurance agent specializing in Medicare, I’m here to provide you with clarity and support every step of the way.
What plans are available in my service area?
Offers plans in GA, IN, KY, MO, OH, VA
Additional benefits can include dental, vision, hearing, lifestyle and transportation
United Healthcare
Offered in AL, AR, AZ, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MI, MS, MO, NC, OH, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV
Additional benefits can include dental, vision, hearing and lifestyle
Offers plans in AZ, FL, IL, IN ,KS, MO, NC, OH, TX, VA
Additional benefits can include dental, vision, hearing and lifestyle
Devoted Health Plans
Offered in AL, AZ, FL, IL, NC, OH, SC, TN, TX
Additional benefits can include dental, vision, hearing and lifestyle
Offers plans in AZ, FL, GA, IL, KY, MI, MS,OH, SC
Additional benefits can include dental, vision, hearing and lifestyle
Essential Steps
Watch the Video
Click on “Compare Plans” and watch the explanatory video about Medicare Advantage and instructions.
Enter Your Zipcode
Enter your zip code, and if prompted, select your county from the dropdown menu. Then, click “View Plans.”
Explore Available Plans
Use the Preferences Sidebar to narrow your search for available plans. Do side-by-side comparisons to help you decide.
Select Your Plan
Once you’ve found a plan that meets your medical coverage and benefits needs, click “Add to Cart.”
Review Premiums and Options
The monthly premiums, along with additional options like dental coverage (if available with your plan), will be displayed.
Follow Instructions
Click “Continue” and follow the provided directions, ensuring to provide complete and accurate answers.
Continue to Apply
Click “Continue to Apply.” A dialog box will appear, informing you that you’ll be redirected to the carrier’s enrollment form to complete your application.
Submit Your Application
Congratulations, you’re ready to submit your application!